This page does not contain technical information but you can find several micro challenges that you can complete independently to test yourself.
The goal is verify that you have understood what you have achieved in the previous steps, study other concepts independently and try to integrate them into the project you have created so far.
So, you won't find the solutions here. Try to solve them yourself!
Currently the users.service.ts
methods names are deleteHandler
and saveHandler
Rename them in deleteUser
and saveUser
since they are more expressive.
property to the User
) into this new property when adding a new userdate
The user name (label
property) is a required field when adding a new user but now you should also check if it contains min 3 chars.
Your goal is display a different message for each type of error :
error): "User name is required"minlength
error): "User name must contains at least 3 chars"Read the official Form Validation documentation for more info
<div *ngIf="labelInput.errors?.['required']">...</div>
<div *ngIf="labelInput.errors?.['minlength']">...</div>
This is the most complex challenge: you have to give the possibility to select and highlight any user of the list, populate the form and edit them.
This is the final result you should achieve:
Add a new selectedUser
property in your service. You don't need to initialize it.
export class UsersService {
selectedUser: User | null = null;
You must add the click
listener to each item of the list in the HTML template and invoke a new method of the service (i.e. setSelectedUser
So, assign user
to selectedUser
property of the service:
setSelectedUser(user: User) {
this.selectedUser = user;
You can use ngModel
directive to bind (synchronize) an input with a property.
The input value will be updated each time selectedUsers
Use the safe operator "?" (aka known in JS as Optional Chain Operator) in order to avoid compiler errors when selectedUser
is empty
The same form is now used to add and edit users.
You should then invoke a new save
method after submitting it and use the selectedUser
property to know if you are adding or editing an user in your saveHandler
service method:
is empty: it means you're adding a new userselectedUser
has some values: it means you're editing an exhisting user
saveHandler(user: User) {
if (this.selectedUser) {
return this.editUser(user);
} else {
return this.addUser(user)
To add a new user you can just use the POST
method:<User>(`${this.URL}/users/`, user)
While to edit an exhisting user you should use PATCH
this.http.patch<User>(`${this.URL}/users/${this.selectedUser?.id}`, user)
// ...
this.users = => {
return === this.selectedUser?.id ? newUser : u;
You should also highlight the current active user: